function on_DropItem(x, y, looks, color, effectId, name, expand1, dbIdx, count, seeMode) if expand1 > 0 then return {showName = name.."【极品属性+"..expand1.."】", color = 250} end if count > 1 then --物品数量大于1个 local _dbItem = c.item.getDBItem(dbIdx) if ((_dbItem ~= nil) and (_dbItem:getStdMode() == 17)) or (name == "金币") then return {showName = name.."x"..count} end end
--物品掉落回调function on_DropItem(x, y, looks, color, effectId, name, expand1, dbIdx, count, seeMode) if expand1 > 0 then return {showName = name.."【极品属性+"..expand1.."】", color = 250} endend
--物品掉落回调显示数量示例function on_DropItem(x, y, looks, color, effectId, name, expand1, dbIdx, count, seeMode) if count > 1 then --物品数量大于1个 local _dbItem = c.item.getDBItem(dbIdx) if ((_dbItem ~= nil) and (_dbItem:getStdMode() == 17)) or (name == "金币") then return {showName = name.."x"..count} end endend